Google Page Rank February 2013 Update
Hi everybody i am just sharing another update of Google is about Google Page Rank February 2013. This time google updated the page ranks of all websites 1 week before the exact date.
Previous 2013 Google update was Google Panda #24 which was on 17-18 January 2013 who penalized many websites in terms of keyword rankings and another update of Page Rank within a month it seems like google changing the whole system and provides every new update in every fortnight and every internet marketing companies or agencies have to see whats happening.
I think Google updating itself faster then SEO Masterminds to stop seo companies when any seo experts trying to figuring out the way and apply some tactics on it then Google again comes up with other new update refresh and then Rankings Drops frequently i think that’s the plan of Google to stop any kind of seo tactics no matters if it is Black-Hat or White-Hat SEO.
As per the updates my own website handled that update and my page rank goes up from 0 to 1 PR may be i am using the right tactics to tackle with Google updates, i personally seen many websites who ranked with many keywords at Top 5 positions but seriously now they gone to 100 to 150th position and in that way my website suffered from 5th position to 16th position and one keyword dropped from 6th to 16th position you can say that my website dropped positioning to 10 numbers back in all keywords but who knows what will happen in next months no one fix this.
Some website also having drops in Page Rank from 4 to 2 for their website this time i think google will come to that turn where google shows fresh content or those websites who provide much more content to their website.
If you want to check your website page rank then check it here www.prchecker.info
Google Page Rank Points are given Below:
PR1 = 8 points
PR2 = 64 points
PR3 = 512 points
PR4 = 4096 points
PR5 = 32768 points
PR6 = 262144 points
PR7 = 2097152 points
PR8 = 16777216 points
PR9 = 134217728 points
PR10 = 1073741824 points
So check your own Google Page Rank and performance of your Website Linking and also share my post to your other friends and also comment if you like it.